I Wonder How Long It Takes To Paint a Feather?
We have seen 'Paintings on Leaves' & now we have paintings on feathers for you. Here we have some amazing paintings created using 'feather' as canvas. Though we don't know much about the technique involved in creating these amazing paintings, but we do know this: its much different from other types of painting. There is very limited painting area & apart from this the surface of the feather isn't easy to paint on & some artists use acrylic & some use oils.
Feathers have long been among the favorite objects lending wings to the inspiration of artists. Whether used to write or paint with, as the model for pictures or sculptures or as a decoration of the masterpiece itself; feathers can be found everywhere in art.
The art of painting on feathers has survived as one of the finest arts practiced in many countries. Each artist uses different paint and has his or her own tricks to make the miniature picture show to its best advantage on the chosen feather.
These feather paintings are something exclusive & has their own charm in each of them. See some Amazing Feather Paintings, Hand Painted Feathers as following: